Thursday, December 11, 2008


We all love my old geezer (kidding Andy kidding) and he just got older and now we all have to make comments about his age and say how old he is and he's an old fart (kidding kidding kidding... Mom put the wet noodle down no you can NOT destroy the computer) and how my mom is CrAzY and how they make such a cute couple and how they love each other (yeah that's right now you can't be mad because I AM GLORIFYING YOUR RELATIONSHIP MWAHAHAHA) and yada yada yada yada I could go on for hours about the soulmates.
BUTNOW IT IS TIME TO GIVE HIM CRAP AT ALL POSSIBLE TIMES!!!!! WE LOVE YOU ANDY but you know you would tease me too ^_^


Tabitha and Clay Shurtleff said...

Happy Birthday old geezer. We hope your party was fun. Sorry we missed it. Ya know the drive from Vegas is only good when you hit 60. Hahahahaha

Trevor said...

man I missed my chance...